Friday, July 10, 2009

A Relatable Bible

June 22, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 11-12 and Ephesians 6

Some of you might not have noticed this, but I have been completely skipping the Old Testament readings. That is because it is 1 Chronicles, and who really wants to read about who begat who anyway?

I can honestly say that every year I skim through the Chronicles. I treat them like its stuff on the editing floor of my favorite movie. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have the additional footage of my favorite scenes, but in the end, the scenes were edited down for a reason.

I mean, do I really need to hear the story of how David refused to drink water that his soldiers bought for him, again? In all honesty, it sounds like a story that some celebrity would tell about another celebrity on a late-night talk show. Except instead of saying: “wow, those guys are just like me” or “wow, those guys are exactly like me”, the audience is saying: “Hmm. So you were thirsty, your men bought you water, and you didn’t drink it. I mean, it was there, you might as well drink it. Now you’re just going to have to find a drinking fountain someplace.”

Yeah, there are parts of the Bible that I just can’t relate to, which is why I started Irreverent Reverence in the first place.

So now that we’ve started reading the book of Ephesians, there is a lot of stuff that sadly, most people can’t relate to. Stuff like: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.

Man, I don’t even know what that even means!

Still, I want to be at the point where I not only understand it, but I live it. Ha ha ha!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yes, you are your brother's keeper!

June 21, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 9-10 and Galatians 6

Yeah, we all know what Cain said after Abel was killed. “Am I my brother’s keeper”. In other words, he was telling God: “hey, I don’t know. He’s his own man, I’m not the boss of him.”

Of course, God already knew the answer, and if there is one thing the Bible says about Christians is that we are our brother’s keeper. The Bible says that if a Christian is caught sinning, then whoever is spiritual should restore him, gently.

This is very different to some Christian behavior that I have seen before. I think we all know the stories of the Jim Bakkers and Jerry Falwells, who committed adultery and were sometimes ostracized by other Christians.

I’ve seen it happen time and time again. A Christian is caught with sinful behavior, and then all these defense mechanisms get in the way. Soon, there is damage control, and the Christian sinner comes forth, usually giving a prepared statement. From there, all the renewed sinner’s friends take sides. Some go to the side of judgment, saying: “you should have known better, you now have no place amongst us.” Then the other side goes to the side of mercy and says: “Come back to us, brother”.

To be honest, I’m not certain what is the best attitude to handle situations like these, other than preventing them from starting. Of course, there is no such thing as an ideal situation, is there?

In fact, there may come a time when I screw up, big time. In fact, the whole reason that I became a Christian is because I was screwed up, big time. True, I have been redeemed, but if I ever want to be unredeemed, a life of sin is always there. Who will be there for me then? Will all my Christian friends just tell me to get out, or will they accept me back?

I remember when DC Talk wrote a song called “What if I Stumble”. I remember treating this song with harsh tones, saying: “well, don’t”.

The truth is that we do carry each other. It’s hard to believe that when I have problems, my Christian brothers are often the last people that I go to. I don’t go to secular people, because I’m supposed to be a Christian to them.

Why is it that we have to be seen as invincible to other Christians? Can we shed that stupid guise of us having everything all together. Can we wear a sign that says “imperfect”. If we look silly, then I am willing to take that chance.

Living by the Spirit

June 20, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 7-8 and Galatians 5

Oh yeah, I just love titling my entries with some vague title that sounds really spiritual. I mean, I titled this one the most vague and spiritual one I could think of.

Of course, it seems that one of those vague and spiritual phrases that gets thrown around by Christians so very often is actually in the Bible.

So what does it mean to live by the Spirit? Easy, you get the Spirit to take control of you, and it works you like a puppet. No, it never is that simple. I swear, I’ve heard so many people who say they are or know someone who is “possessed by the devil”, but I’ve just not heard of anyone ever being “possessed by God”. Man, I guess only the devil has the power to take our freewill, right? (I am being sarcastic.)

The truth is that it is quite easy to live by the Spirit, which requires us to simply be willing to surrender our freewill. I suppose that I could get into issues of being baptized by the Holy Spirit, but that will lead me to all sorts of fights amongst denominations. I mean, why put a bunch of bees in a bag and shake it?

The truth is we can always count on the Holy Spirit helping us to keep us out of trouble. There is a whole list of stuff after it that should be avoided because they are really sinful. The issue is not avoid them, but to live by the Spirit and you simple won’t do those things. This is always true.

Sometimes the best way to stop a bad habit is to simply start a new one. Instead of concentrating on quitting, you start something new that overflows the void left.

About a month ago, I realized that I still was doing with some really sick sins in my life. I couldn’t avoid it, and repented big time. I believe that I am out of the dark tunnel, but it was a habit that was stopped not by quitting old behavior, but taking on a new behavior.

Since then, I haven’t been perfect, but I can see a way to develop the fruit of the Spirit that is listed in the positive list.

In fact, if you do live by the Spirit, then you don’t have to worry about the law. Chances are that you will be following it in every sense of the word. The law is there to show us that we are doing wrong, but shouldn’t that point us to something right?

Waiting for an Inheritance

June 19, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 5-6 and Galatians 4

In the reading of Galatians, Paul starts out with an odd observation. He states that as long as the heir to an estate is a child, then the child is pretty much the same status as a slave.

After all, it is the child who is receiving an inheritance has to obey his or her parents. Is it any wonder why the prodigal son wanted his inheritance up front? At this stage, it would not be good for any child to receive the inheritance, because it would mean that their parents are dead.

And what parents, before they are teenagers what their parents dead? Right now, I have a few children, and I am fortunate to be at an age where my kids will tell me “I love you” without being first told it by me. The only reason that I want to live is because I know my kids need me.

Here’s the deal with receiving an inheritance. You may get lands or money, but someone has to die for it. If you respect the relative who left you the money, you will not be cheering when they die.

Yet here is the thing, in order to receive our heavenly inheritance, someone has to die. Now, the issue is: how are we going to deal with that? Sometimes I think it is interesting all the praise we give God for dying for us, and then turned around and ignore the fact that crucifixion hurts.

How should we treat that? Well, have you ever had someone do you a big favor? Chances are, if they gave it out of a heart of love, he or she does not want any restitution. However, it wouldn’t heart to give a little bit of thanks now and then.

In fact, the comparison between someone who hasn’t received the inheritance and not received is like Hagar and Sarah. Hagar was the surrogate parent who carried Ishmael, but it was Sarah who carried Isaac, the child of promise.

We are not the child born of a slave, or one by a mother. This is the difference between the inheritor and what may eventually become property.

The issue is that we need to realize why we have been set free to be the inheritor. Granted, I hate the way it had to happen, with Christ dying, but it really is part of the process of being a citizen of heaven. It wouldn’t hurt to give a “thank you” to Jesus every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

God the Warrior

June 18, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 3-4 and Psalms 35-36

Even though it isn’t my favorite of the three films, I like the ending of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Much of the second film is a lot of boring scenes until the last part, the awesome battle of Helm’s Deep.

I love in the end when the army is completely surrounded, and there is absolutely no hope. Then Aragorn remembers that Gandalf will be coming on “the sunrise of the fifth day”, and so he and the king ride out to meet the army.

Then Gandalf appears on the hillside, with an army at his side, and goes up against the armies of darkness. Good guys win, and the conclusion is nothing short of epic. Gandalf appears like we see the Second Coming, in a long beard, staff, and flowing white robe.

Many of us have had problems where we would want God to come as some giant warrior and fight for us. Note the words in Psalm 35: “Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and buckler;
arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, I am your salvation."

Of course, we all know that God isn’t some attack dog that we can sic on whatever problems that we see fit. I’m sure that if we had our choice, God would be attacking everything that we would face.

Can you imagine that when we get a parking ticket? Lord, take out that meter maid! It’s pretty easy to pray to God when there is some serious army of darkness heading your way, but I have never been in a position where that has happened.

However, I’ve been in a position where I’ve had a parking ticket. Yeah, I don’t have the epic Lord of the Rings lifestyle that I read about, but I do have a life. A life that involves a lot of paychecks, groceries, and bills. Man, what I wouldn’t give to have God just attack all of that.

However, I am assuming that my life, seemingly mundane, is there for a reason. So if God doesn’t want to do the whole warrior thing, that’s fine by me. Then again, how do I know that God isn’t fighting for me, at all times. Yes, for all I know, God fights for me like Aragorn, and I’m the one who is being protected all through it.

In God We Trust

June 17, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2 and Psalms 33-34

Okay, you know from that title what I’m probably going to do next. I’m probably going to talk about how all of our money says this, but most Americans don’t truly trust in the Lord for money or anything else for that matter.

Generally, illustrations like these are used in those sermons where preachers go on and on about how America has so fallen away from its Christian values that the forefathers “clearly intended” in the Constitution. I’ve always wondered if all of these speeches come from an era where Beaver Cleaver lived, a fictional era of America’s history in the forties and fifties where everyone was prosperous because we all went to church.

Perhaps those who took Psalm 33:12 seriously: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance”. It is nice that our money does say that, but the dollar bill also has that strange eye and pyramid thing that doesn’t mean anything to me. If you would like to bring up that whole Illuminati thing up, save it for some other time. Those secret governments are so secret, that they don’t even know about it.

Still, God is very faithful in delivering us, isn’t he. This is especially true of David when he was escaping form Abimelech. As I recall, David escaped by pretending he was insane.

I always wondered how he pulled that off. Did he do a Jack Nicholson Joker or a Heath Ledger Joker. You know, one was hamming it up crazy and the other actually won an Oscar for acting crazy.

I guess it took a lot of drooling, or some sort of weird crazy talk. I will have to admit that I’m not really proud of David for escaping Abimelech that way. It wasn’t that the man who “had slain his ten thousands” fought his way out.

Still, you have to admire how God takes care of those who trust in Him, and something tells me that David had to trust in the Lord in order to get through Abimelech’s land. So playing insane was part of God’s plan, more or less.
This is almost in stark contrast to Psalm 34:11-13 which says: “Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.” Hard to believe that the one who wants us to do right would approve of a plan of acting insane.

Well, like the country music song says: “A little bit of crazy’s all right”.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jehoiachin's Special Treatment

June 16, 2009

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 24-25 and Galatians 3

It would appear that the second book of Kings has ended with a terrible tragedy. The Babylonians invaded the nation of Israel and took it over. In four days, Israel had no food to eat. I have no idea what it is like to live under an invading army, but I usually don’t hear any nice stories coming out of World War II Europe.

You usually hear about the stories like in Schindler’s List, where people have to do morally questionable things just to survive.

This reminds me of the time in Israel when the land was invaded. At the time, Jehoiakim reigned, and he did bad things. I mentioned yesterday about how Josiah was a good guy who probably postponed the fall of Israel, but Jehoiakim probably helped bring it on.

Jehoiakim was relieved by Jehoiachin, who was only 18 years at the time. He was dragged to captivity, and then Zedekiah became king.

What is interesting is the treatments of Jehoiachin versus Zedekiah. Zedekiah had his sons killed in front of him, and then they put out his eyes. Yeah, that was the last thing he ever saw. Sick, isn’t it?

However, Jehoiachin was treated much differently. He was released from his captivity, and then was invited to eat regularly with the ruling king.

Man, which king do you want to be? I suppose this is the classic Christian duality going on here. This is where we say: “do you want eternal bliss of heaven, or torment of hell?” I never did like the black and white view of the world, even if the afterlife seems to be that way.

The issue is what did Jehoiachin do for the Babylonians to deserve such special treatment? Probably nothing, if you want to know the truth. I don’t know if Jehoiachin was more willing to give up certain valuables than the others.

The reading in Galatians talks about how the world is a prisoner of sin, much like the nation after Babylon took over. Then the odd thing is that Paul talks about how we are prisoners of the law, and “locked up until faith should be revealed”.

Technically, we should all be cut down by sin, and then again, we should all be cutoff by the law. However, grace is the one thing that can set us apart, make us stand out. I suppose it was grace that allowed Jehoiachin to have his comfortable prison, while Zedekiah pretty much rotted.

Like I said, completely random. However, random isn’t what is on God’s mind when we give ourselves to him. We all get the special treatment there. Sure, we may not be at the king’s table, but we will eventually end up at God’s table.