Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Time to Lay it Down

May 23, 2009

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 21-22 and Mark 14

During the time of David, there was some sort of plague happening. The source of this disease had something to do with a promise that was not kept dealing with the Gibeonites.

Who are the Gibeonites? They were a bunch of scoundrels who made this deal with Joshua a long time ago. It was a shady deal, done under false pretenses. They said that they were from a kingdom far away, when in actuality, they were from next door. They had these old sacks, and Israel made the deal.

I don’t know whether Saul didn’t know about the deal or whether he saw it for what it was: kind of sucky. Either way, Saul did away with the Gibeonites.

Sadly, blood has a way of crying out for blood. It is difficult to say why in the world this is happening, but there are many people who believe in equilibrium in the spiritual world.

So, if you make a deal with God, even if it is a questionable deal at best, it would appear that you must keep it. There is always some sort of consequences for breaking that deal. I mean, we all know about Isaac’s deal with Jacob and Esau, as well as Barak’s deal with the spirit world. If you don’t, then you should read more of the Bible.

Basically, it comes down to this: in the spirit world, there are things that work like creditors. Essentially, if you will find yourself in debt spiritually, then there will be consequences. God apparently is one of those vengeful creditors, and will take it out of our hides if we don’t pay.

For this reason, Christ had to die on that terrible day. Yes, he did not have to. I’m sure what in the world would possess an ordinary person to endure the cross, but I suppose that is what makes Christ special.

Do I really need to explain why? You see, it is because we have that whole original sin thing we got going on, and it is a credit card debt of infinity. The idea is that Christ will pay that off, and take it more to just zero.

In the case of David, he was willing to lay down the life of other people. Granted, it is pretty easy to do that when there are other sheep to sacrifice, but it is difficult to lay down yourself.

So, if you have some serious business with God where you are in debt spiritually, deal with it. Okay, not one of my better entries, I will admit it.

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