Saturday, February 21, 2009

Simon the Superhero Sorceror

February 20, 2009

Today's Reading: Leviticus 12-13 and Acts 8

Imagine if you lived in a world where superheroes existed. Just picture walking through the city, look up, and you will see a guy flying and another guy swinging from webs. Yeah, I didn’t get Marvel or DC’s permission before posting this.

I used to read comics, and it never made sense that the world they lived in was ordinary and the super-hero world was extraordinary. I mean, why is it that the superheroes always fought crime and super-villains, but they never do a thing to abolish famine, disease, or anything else that I’d rather .

Oh, let’s just let the ordinary people solve their own problems. We’re super-people, and we deal with super-problems.

Do you honestly think that we could live in a world where metahuman people and normal people could peacefully coexist? Well, the truth is, there are some people who have fantastic powers from a supernatural origin. The sad part is, they usually keep it to themselves in their secret identities in fortresses of solitudes known as churches.

Yeah, I’m the one who believes that miracles can still happen, and Christians have the power through Jesus to dish them out. You hear about them a lot in the book of Acts. Heck, there’s even one where Phillip suddenly finds himself in Azotus. He was teleported away or something.

Now, if there were superheroes right now, with powers from radiation or born with it like mutants, then I would imagine it would be if Christians were thrown into the mix. I mean, how impressive would godly miracles be if there were people with super-powers?

Enter this one guy, Simon the Sorceror. Apparently, he is able to do miracles. I wonder what the heck he could do that was so darn impressive. Maybe he was able to fit a camel through the eye of a needle, because Simon seemed to be very interested in riches.

What is interesting is that whatever the disciples were doing, Simon wanted to do it. In other words, Simon thought he could get in on the act, and he thought he needed money.

So what was it that the disciples were doing that so interested this sorcerer? Perhaps the power of the Holy Spirit could not compete with whatever Simon’s magical powers were tapped into.

This should give us some comfort, that the power of God is powerful enough to kick any other power’s butt. Another comforting thing is that when Simon was rebuked for his actions (offering money to acquire the power of God), he responded very well. Nice to know that the power of God isn’t just…powerful, but it can change hearts as well.

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