Tuesday, June 16, 2009

God’s Prefab Construction

May 27, 2009

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 5-6 and Psalm 21-22

Years ago, when I was taking a Bible class (think of it as a young Christian initiation course). I was told that when Solomon’s Temple was built, I was told that not a single sound of a chisel was heard at the construction site. All the stones were all made before they got there, which would probably make it the first pre-fab construction.

These days it seems like all building is done by pre-fab. When I was a kid, my parents bought a new house that was essentially built within a day. The basement was a strong concrete foundation, but all of the other walls and floors was just pieces that arrived by semi trucks and assembled like gigantic puzzle pieces.

Even Legos have gone into pre-fab, but this has worked against it. Some of you may remember when Lego Castles were a bunch of seemingly random bricks, but they eventually became these playsets with tower-shaped blocks that sadly can’t be used for any other projects.

Who knows how these bricks were taken to the temple, and what happened if one of them was out of place. I wonder if this is supposed to be some sort of metaphor of what it is supposed to be before we get to heaven.

Yeah, sometimes I wonder if God wants us to be completely perfected by the time we get to heaven. If so, then I am so boned.

Okay, I don’t really know that. I believe that we are supposed to walk in whatever conviction or enlightenment that we know about. The other day, I was watching some movies online, and remember that the last time I watched these films, I felt like I had to repent. Today, I watched that same film and enjoyed the experience. Is this a sign that I have grown as a Christian?

I don’t know, but there are some things that I did in the name of God way back when that I wish I could undo today. I see no reason to bang the Bible over the head with everyone that I knew, as all I created was alienation. I think about all the times I thought people who played role-playing games were ungodly, and now I think I was ungodly for putting a spotlight on these gamers and saying they were nigh Satanists.

In short, I suppose we could be perfected before we reach heaven, but honestly, that would require me to be as perfect as possible before I die. Could I do that on a daily basis? I think I could.

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