Monday, April 13, 2009

Subjective Faith

April 11, 2009

Today's Reading: Joshua 15-16 and Romans 14

I remember at one time that I was in a situation with a group of Christians, and someone said something that offended me. Now, at church the I go to, we are serious about taking care of aught with each other.

I went overboard with it, and generally, any time I saw any person who offended me, I would generally come up to them and talk to them about it, even if it was not necessary. I think it was because I was angry at a lot of people, and I wanted to stop before I got angrier at people.

Never did feel right about it. Usually I hate going up to people, because sometimes they didn’t understand. In the end, I’m not certain what way is right to proceed with this.

Especially one day, when I approached another Christian with some problem I had with his bad self. I am being sarcastic, by the way, this other Christian guy probably didn’t do anything wrong. In all honesty, if it was so important, I probably would have remembered it.

As it is, all I remember is him mentioning that I had a “weak faith”. Paul uses this expression in Romans 14, discussing those who have certain customs that they use. At the time, I didn’t know that. In fact, I think I left that aforementioned conversation more offended then before, but still not enough to be filled with any rage or indignation.

I remember leaving that conversation with a revelation that really wasn’t. Maybe you have had a similar experience. I thought it was odd that the Christians who had more conservative customs in the Bible were described as “weak faith”, but I always felt that “strong faith” was a better term. After all, I’m sure you probably know one or two Christians who succeed in living life ahead of the curve, and might fill you with conviction. In fact, you might even hate them.

I remember when I was first saved, that God was showing me that I would meet a lot of Christians with all kinds of weird customs that I wouldn’t understand. That has most certainly come to pass. I have met Christians who don’t believe in church, and those who will say that you can’t be a Christian unless you attend church every week, maybe twice.

I have decided that it doesn’t really matter how a Christian lives to me, but to let God worry about that. Yes, that does risk someone’s salvation, but I really don’t want to be the jerk who has to dish out the conviction, especially when it is not necessary.

We are not supposed to judge Christians. That tolerance thing that the world supposedly believes in applies to Christians all over the world.

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