Monday, March 2, 2009

Can we all get along, please?

March 1, 2009

Today's Reading: Numbers 3-4 and Acts 15

I never did like arguments, and the worst ones take place amongst Christians. In all honesty, I prefer disagreements amongst worldly people. At least they just go for the person with the better argument, but Christians, oh man, both sides say they got the will of God on their side.

One of the first arguments was this idea that you had to be circumcised in order to be saved. Only a male-dominated society would even consider this option. I wonder if they even cared whether the women were saved with this stupid doctrine.

I mean, seriously, was there going to be someone who was going to check if (insert very obvious male genital joke here). Yeah, that is pretty sick, but this is one of those times where I’m just not going to make a joke because it is too easy. Good comedy requires creativity, and this cow’s udders are way to swollen for my taste. Give me something that takes a little effort, please!

Oddly enough, this was one controversy in the Christian faith that was actually settled. Now, if we could just tackle the whole issue of baptism, confession, Holy Spirit outpouring, and the countless other issues that still plague Christians today. Yeah, all Peter had to do was just stand up and say, “hey, let’s do this”. And then it was confirmed by Scripture. That was all. Go figure!

Man, if only we could settle our disagreements that easily! I think it is interesting that the group who could settle such a controversy could not settle something so little. I am, of course, referring to this disagreement between Paul and Barnabas about Mark. Paul apparently didn’t think Mark was worth it, because he apparently deserted them in Pamphylia. I wonder what the heck Mark was doing that was so important? They make it sound like it was an act of cowardice.

Anyway, Mark deserted them for reasons unknown, and for some unknown reason, Paul and Barnabas decided that this disagreement was sufficient enough for them to part company.

You know, why is it that people in the church can’t get together without some sort of disagreement? I mean, we’re supposed to be the salt of the earth, not the pepper of mixture. Okay, that metaphor sucked, but you see my point: we flipping argue too much.

Man, that Rodney King had something when he said: “Can’t we all get along”. The answer the church is giving is a flat-out no. Sad, really.

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